Thursday, 10 September 2015

Transplant and how it came about

Its such a strange and horrible feeling being told you need a transplant i mean what is a transplant? How do you get one? How does it happen? Why is it happening to me?
So many questions go through your head im guessing thats normal but then again whats normal our normal could be different to someone else's normal.
I am going to be telling you about when i first found out i needed a transplant well here goes...
It was around christmas time 2014 and i was at gosh at the time talking about transferring over to the adults team in sheffield  and i had this feeling for months that there was something that the doctors wasn't  telling me so i just came out and said it " what is it? I know there is something your not telling me " i saw the doctor look at my mum and she nodded her head so i thought " how come my mum knows " and then he said " Parris you are going to need a lung transplant " then i just felt my heart sink and i felt tears running down my face and i went " but i thought i was getting better " then i looked at my mum and at this point she was crying and i said " did you know " and she told me all my family knew  at this point i didn't know what to do or say so i just kept quiet , they then asked me if i wanted to know anymore and at this point i didn't , i couldn't stop crying all that day  i kept thinking why i needed one... My mum rang and told my brother about me knowing and he didn't want to believe that his little sister needed a transplant its not exactly something you want to hear. I am not going to lie ever since i have been told i have been very scared and just not been myself but about 6 months ago i got rushed into hospital with very near heart failure and was in hospital for 6 weeks , 17 days in intensive care on C-PAP machine to give pressure into your lungs as well as oxygen but they mentioned a line called the Hickman line to try out as it was my only other medicine to try as I'm on all the other ones to help me and they started me off on that in hospital in the intensive care and wow the headaches and sickness was horrendous but worth it to know to this day this is what is keeping me alive and stable right now , this doesn't mean that i wont need a transplant because i will at some point but not as quick as everyone thought.. I have very mixed emotions about this it may sound selfish but i dont want this condition any longer just like nobody else does but i am grateful to be here living each day as it comes , i Am  currently sleeping downstairs as i am not strong enough to get up the stairs just yet but i am in the process of a stair lift being fitted , i am so passionate about getting more awareness about organ donation because one day that could be me and i could be getting that phonecall and to be told that there is a match it would be the best thing i could ever hear , i am always hoping that there will be a cure ❤❤❤

Proud donor ❤
Me and liney my bestfriend ❤
When i was poorly in intensive care❤
When i got admitted to queens medical centre when i was first poorly
When i tried sitting up after being in bed for 3 weeks

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